<img src="https://secure.enterprisingoperation-7.com/789105.png" style="display:none;">

API Documentation

The Purpose of the Construction Waste Portal (RESTFUL) Application Programming Interface (API) is to allow Projects to be created, Waste Data to be updated and access to Waste Forecasting data from outwith the Construction Waste Portal Application (CWP). The CWP API has been developed and is maintained by the CWP team.  
API End Points

- UPDATE Waste Data
- CREATE Project
- GET Waste Data
- GET Waste Forecast Data
Primary Credentials

A Construction Waste Portal user account with an associated API Token (the API token is generated by Construction Waste Portal for all valid accounts with permissions to access the API).
Error Handling

If a request is invalid, for example it does not contain a required field, an error message will be returned.

Each request is recorded in a database table. This records the user id, time and type of request, request (text), success/failure of request and response (including any error messages).
UPDATE Waste Data
Example (Python 3.8)
- username
    - required
    - String
- project_ref
    - required
    - String
- company_ref
    - required
    - String (found in the Details tab in Construction Waste Portal)
- waste_data optional
-project_start_month optional
-project_end_month optional
    - JSON
        - year: required
        - month: required
        - num_tonnes: optional
        - num_tonnes_general: optional
        - num_tonnes_inert: optional
        - num_tonnes_timber: optional
        - num_tonnes_metal: optional
        - num_tonnes_plasterboard: optional
        - num_tonnes_plastic: optional
        - num_tonnes_other: optional
        - recycling_rate: optional
        - num_tonnes_soil: optional
        - num_tonnes_demo: optional
**Waste Data example (JSON)**
[{  "year": 2024,
    "month": 1,
    "num_tonnes": 25.34,
    "num_tonnes_general": 15.16,
    "num_tonnes_inert": 4.3,
    "num_tonnes_timber": 2.2,
    "num_tonnes_metal": 0.0
    "num_tonnes_plasterboard": 0.0,
    "num_tonnes_plastic": 0.0,
    "num_tonnes_other": 0.0,
    "recycling_rate": 98.67,
    "num_tonnes_soil": 0.0,
    "num_tonnes_demo": 0.0,
    "year": 2024,
    "month": 2,
    "num_tonnes": 45.89,
    "num_tonnes_general": 36.89,
    "num_tonnes_inert": 14.3,
    "num_tonnes_timber": 12.2,
    "num_tonnes_metal": 3.1,
    "num_tonnes_plasterboard": 0.0,
    "num_tonnes_plastic": 0.0,
    "num_tonnes_other": 0.0,
    "recycling_rate": 96.34,
    "num_tonnes_soil": 0.0,
    "num_tonnes_demo": 0.0,
    "year": 2024,
    "month": 3,
    "num_tonnes": 25.78,
    "num_tonnes_general": 16.89,
    "num_tonnes_inert": 12.3,
    "num_tonnes_timber": 9.2,
    "num_tonnes_metal": 6.1,
    "num_tonnes_plasterboard": 0.0,
    "num_tonnes_plastic": 0.0,
    "num_tonnes_other": 0.0,
    "recycling_rate": 99.7,
    "num_tonnes_soil": 0.0,
    "num_tonnes_demo": 0.0,
    "year": 2024,
    "month": 4,
    "num_tonnes": 78.45,
    "num_tonnes_general": 56.89,
    "num_tonnes_inert": 23.3,
    "num_tonnes_timber": 18.2,
    "num_tonnes_metal": 13.1,
    "num_tonnes_plasterboard": 0.0,
    "num_tonnes_plastic": 0.0,
    "num_tonnes_other": 0.0,
    "recycling_rate": 99.99,
    "num_tonnes_soil": 0.0,
    "num_tonnes_demo": 0.0,
**Update Waste Data request example (Python)**
import requests, json
    ## Query Params
    query = {        
        'username': "apitest@constructionwasteportal.com",
        'project_ref': "API_Test_1",
        'company_ref': "866b8332-2c0b-4465-888b-683c6472426a",
        'waste_data': [see above]
    get_waste_data_endpoint = f"https://app.constructionwaste
    update_waste_data_response = requests.get(get_waste_data_endpoint, params=query)
except Exception as e:
    print("Exception: %s", e)


Response: Success or Failure message




CREATE Project


Example (Python 3.8)

- username
    - required
    - String
- project_ref
    - required
    - String
- project_name
    - required
    - String
- company_ref
    - required
    - String (found in the Details tab in Construction Waste Portal)
- project_start_month
    - required
    - Date (format must be YYYY-MM-DD i.e. 2024-01-01 for Jan 1st 2024)
- project_end_month
    - required
    - Date (format must be YYYY-MM-DD i.e. 2024-04-01 for April 1st 2024)
- project_type
    - optional
    - String (either "Buildings" or "Civils")
- project_postcode
    - optional
    - String
- gifa
    - optional (preferred for Buildings Projects for Waste KPIs)
    - Integer/Decimal (10000, 10000.00)
- value
    - optional (preferred for Civils Projects for Waste KPIs)
    - Integer/Decimal (25000000, 25000000.00)
- estimated_tonnes_of_waste
    - optional
    - Integer/Decimal (800, 800.00)
- estimated_embodied_carbon
    - optional
    - Integer/Decimal (800, 800.00)
- procurement route
    - optional
    - String: MUST be one of the following:
        - "Not Applicable"
        - "Non-Framework"
        - "CWM"
        - "LCP"
        - "NEPO"
        - "NWCH"
        - "NWCP"
        - "SCAPE"
        - "SCF"
        - "SEWSCAP"
        - "SWWRCF"
        - "YORhub"
- region
    - optional
    - String: MUST be one of the following:
        - "Not Specified"
        - "East Midlands"
        - "East of England"
        - "London"
        - "North East"
        - "North West"
        - "Scotland"
        - "South East"
        - "South West"
        - "Wales"
        - "West Midlands"
        - "Yorkshire and The Humber"
- sector
    - optional
    - String: MUST be one of the following:
        - "Civil Engineering"
        - "Commercial"
        - "Education"
        - "Healthcare"
        - "Industrial"
        - "Leisure"
        - "Manufacturing"
        - "Mixed Use Dev"
        - "Offices"
        - "Public Buildings"
        - "Residential"
        - "Retail"
        - "Fit Out"
        - "Unknown"
- client
    - optional
    - String
- contract_number
    - optional
    - String
- waste_data
    - optional
    - JSON
        - year: required
        - month: required
        - num_tonnes: optional
        - num_tonnes_general: optional
        - num_tonnes_inert: optional
        - num_tonnes_timber: optional
        - num_tonnes_metal: optional
        - num_tonnes_plasterboard: optional
        - num_tonnes_plastic: optional
        - num_tonnes_other: optional
        - recycling_rate: optional
        - num_tonnes_soil: optional
        - num_tonnes_demo: optional
**Create Project request example (Python)**
import requests
    query = {        
        'username': "apitest@constructionwasteportal.com",
        'project_ref': "API_Test_1",
        'project_name': "API_Test_1",
        'company_ref': "866b8332-2c0b-4465-888b-683c6472426a",
        'project_start_month': "2024-01-01",
        'project_end_month': "2024-04-01",
    create_project_endpoint = f"https://app.construction
    create_project_response = requests.get(create_project_endpoint, params=query)
except Exception as e:
    print("Exception: %s", e)
Response: Success or Failure message


GET Waste Data
Fields Example (Python 3.8)
- username
    - required
    - String
- project_ref
    - required
    - String
- company_ref
    - required
    - String (found in the Details tab in Construction Waste Portal)
**Get Waste Data request example (Python)**
import requests
    query = {    
        'username': "apitest@constructionwasteportal.com",
        'project_ref': "API_Test_1",
        'company_ref': "866b8332-2c0b-4465-888b-683c6472426a"
    get_waste_data_endpoint = f"https://app.constructionwasteportal.com/api/waste_data/"
    get_waste_data_response = requests.get(get_waste_data_endpoint, params=query)
except Exception as e:
    print("Exception: %s", e)
(List of) JSON Object(s) (waste data only).
        "month": "2024-07-01",
        "num_tonnes": "35.00",
        "num_tonnes_general": "20.00",
        "num_tonnes_inert": "10.00",
        "num_tonnes_timber": "5.00",
        "num_tonnes_metal": null,
        "num_tonnes_plasterboard": null,
        "num_tonnes_plastic": null,
        "num_tonnes_other": null,
        "recycling_rate": null,
        "num_tonnes_soil": null,
        "num_tonnes_demo": null


GET Waste Forecast Data
Fields Example (Python 3.8)
- username
    - required
    - String
- postcode
    - required
    - String (full or partial valid postcodes are accepted i.e. N19 3JR, N193JR, N19)
- sector
    - required
    - String: MUST be one of the following:
        - "Civil Engineering"
        - "Commercial"
        - "Education"
        - "Healthcare"
        - "Industrial"
        - "Leisure"
        - "Manufacturing"
        - "Mixed Use Dev"
        - "Offices"
        - "Public Buildings"
        - "Residential"
        - "Retail"
        - "Fit Out"
- gifa
    - required
    - Integer/Decimal (10000, 10000.00)
- value
    - required
    - Integer/Decimal (25000000, 25000000.00)
**Get Waste Forecasting Data request example (Python)**
import requests
    query = {    
        'username': "apitest@constructionwasteportal.com",
        'postcode': "N19 3JR",
        'sector': "Offices",
        'gifa': "10000",
        'value': "2000000"
    get_waste_forecast_data_endpoint = f"https://app.constructionwasteportal.com/api/waste_data/waste_forecasting/"
    get_waste_forecasting_data_response = requests.get(get_waste_forecast_data_endpoint, params=query)
except Exception as e:
    print("Exception: %s", e)
- JSON Object:
    - "number_tonnes"
    - "waste_breakdown"
    - "embodied_carbon"
    - "waste_management_
    - "number_standard_



Last updated

Our API documentation was last updated on : 17/09/2024