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Empowering Sustainable Construction

Are you tired of facing unknown quantities and costs when it comes to estimating, forecasting, and preventing your construction waste? The Construction Waste Portal is here to revolutionise the way you manage and address  waste on your construction projects. Discover an innovative Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solution that empowers you to accurately predict, plan, and prevent your construction waste - lowering your costs. Choose software that helps you manage your construction waste efficiently and effectively.


Why choose Construction Waste Portal?


Data-Driven Insights:

Using real-time data collected from over 1700 construction projects across the UK, Construction Waste Portal provides you with accurate forecasts and estimates for managing your construction waste. By utilising this extensive data repository, our SaaS platform enables you to effectively plan and minimise waste generation on your construction projects, ultimately saving you valuable time, money, and resources.


Enabling Sustainable Construction

Sustainable construction is the core of our mission. By using our SaaS platform, you not only optimise your operations but also make a positive impact on the environment by reducing your construction waste footprint and leading industry change.


Streamlined Waste Management

The marketplace allows the best-in-class waste management businesses to showcase their products and services, allowing you to easily find the perfect resource partner for your project need. Our goal is to simplify your waste management process and promote responsible waste disposal practices, fostering a dialogue between the waste and construction industries.


Transparent Standards

Construction Waste Portal provides a transparent platform for waste management businesses to display their services and certifications. Our users can easily compare and choose the most suitable waste management companies while ensuring they meet the highest industry standards. 

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"When I first heard about ConstructionWastePortal.com, I thought 'what a brilliant idea!' This creation of a waste marketplace is the missing link between the construction and resource management industries.

Developing a secondary/recycled materials marketplace to promote the procurement of sustainable products and recycled aggregates will help drive a circular economy."
Scott Brewster

Key features and benefits

Accurate Waste Prediction

Our predictive analytics tools utilise real data to give you an accurate forecast of waste generation, allowing you to proactively manage resources and costs, and produce an accurate site waste management plan. 

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Waste Prevention

We help you identify potential waste generation points in your projects and provide actionable insights to prevent waste, saving you money and minimising environmental impact.

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Better Cost Management

Simplify your project planning using our platform, making sure that waste management and cost management are seamlessly incorporated into your construction strategy.

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Waste Management Marketplace

Find the right waste management solutions, products, and services from a list of local industry leaders. Choose what aligns best with your project's needs.

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Environmental Compliance

Rest assured that the waste management businesses on our platform adhere to the highest environmental and industry standards. 

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Join the construction waste revolution

The Construction Waste Portal is your go-to platform for accurate waste prediction, prevention, and efficient planning. By connecting with the best waste management businesses and upholding the highest industry standards, we're transforming the construction industry into a more sustainable and responsible sector. 

Join us in reshaping the future of construction waste management.


Easy access

Sign up for an account and get started straight away, with no set-up time, and no installation costs.

Tiered pricing

Find the tier that works for the number of users you require, plus the features that will save you money.

1700+ projects

Our software is data-driven, using over 1700 real-world construction projects.

Request a demo