Construction Waste Portal: Blog

SCAPE launches Charter for Change calling for government to tackle construction waste

Written by Construction Waste Portal | 2 May 2024

At Construction Waste Portal, we’re proud to be part of the SCAPE Group of companies, committed to driving change that will transform the industry.

SCAPE – the leading public sector procurement specialist owned by six local authorities – has today published ‘Building for Public Good: A Charter for Change.’ The policy paper calls on central government to accelerate the pace of public sector recovery and transformation by elevating the role of construction as key to creating an efficient, sustainable estate.

In the context of the financial, social, environmental, and economic pressures facing the UK’s public sector, SCAPE’s charter recommends using construction as the catalyst for driving productivity, climate resilience and economic growth.

The charter sets out a range of recommendations for changes to policy and legislation across several key areas including in service of this change: devolution of power and financial responsibilities, public-private partnerships, the construction skills gap, strategic asset management and achieving net zero.

Importantly for Construction Waste Portal, the charter calls for the incoming government to tackle construction’s waste problems – magnified in the public sector where driving costs down often takes precedent over sustainable delivery and management – through initiatives like green upskilling and updates to legislation.

The charter’s recommendations are informed by SCAPE’s expertise working with local authorities and are designed to support the incoming government’s approach to delivering socioeconomic growth.

Embedding waste reduction in public procurement is a key initiative we’re supporting SCAPE to achieve. SCAPE has an ambition to cut project waste delivered through its Regional Construction framework by 50% by 2026. Construction Waste Portal is the tool offered on all SCAPE Regional Construction framework projects, enabling this ambition to be met.

With 82% of construction industry professionals still not using analytics to accurately forecast wase on projects, we know we have a way to go. Cutting waste is the no regret carbon reduction action all projects need to take.

Download the SCAPE's Charter for Change here.